Sustainable investing with the Morningstar Sustainability Rating

The Morningstar Sustainability Rating is a new tool for sustainable investing. Morningstar presents all you need to know about the new rating and how it works to serve you as an investor.

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Morningstar introduces the Morningstar Sustainability Rating, a new tool that helps investors to assess funds on their level of sustainability. What is the rating exactly, how does it work, and what is the benefit for investors? And does sustainable investing bring extra returns? These questions are discussed in this interview with Morningstar's fund analyst Muna Abu-Habsa:


Morningstar Sustainability Rating
Morningstar has introduced the Morningstar Sustainability Rating in March 2016 worldwide. At the moment, 34.000 investment funds have a Morningstar Sustainability Rating and that number is growing. This new rating was developed in cooperation with data supplier Sustainalytics.

Using the rating, investors can screen their existing portfolio regarding sustainability, but they can also build a new portfolio based on sustainability criteria and select the sustainability level they consider important.

Sustainability as a personal value
Sustainable investing is no longer a niche-activity, says Joe Mansueto, founder of Morningstar and former CEO, in his introduction to the new rating: 'New generations of investors worldwide look for ways to find out if their investments reflect the best sustainable approach, and align them with their their personal values. Because sustainability is important to them, or they just want a better investment return.'

Artikkelimme ja videomme vastuullisesta sijoittamisesta:

- Vastuulliset rahastot tekevät, mitä lupaavat

- Miksi vastuullisuus on tärkeää kaikille?

- Vastuullisuus ei edellytä salkunhoitajaa

- Toimivatko vastuulliset rahastot niin kuin sanovat?

- Miksi vastuullisuus on tärkeää?

- Vastuullisuusrating: kaikki samalle viivalle

- Morningstarin vastuullisuusrating

- Miten vastuullisuutta voi hyödyntää?


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Robert van den Oever  on Morningstarin päätoimittaja Benelux-maissa.

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