Here is a video interview with the winner of the Best Fund House: Equity.
ODIN is the winner of the Best Fund House: Equity in both Finland and Norway.
Here is a video interview with the winner of the Best Fund House: Equity.
ODIN is the winner of the Best Fund House: Equity in both Finland and Norway.
Morningstar palkitsee rahastoja kuudessa sarjassa sekä parhaan varainhoitotalon.
Here is a video interview with the winner of the Best Fund House: Fixed-Income & Overall.
Here is a video interview with the winner of the category Finland Equity.
Here is a video interview with the winner of the category Nordic Equity.
Aktialle kaksi ykkössijaa rahastotalojen kisassa, laaja kirjo rahastovoittajissa.
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A.P. Moller-Maersk ja Carlsberg kuuluvat helmikuun korkeatuottoisiin voittajiin.
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